A Restored Cream Leather Armchair

Did you know that regular cleaning and conditioning of your leather furniture will prolong the life of your suite?

Regular cleaning will remove the dust , dirt, body oils and some dye transfers caused from clothing, scatter cushions or throws.

Cleaning your leather suite on a regular basis will prevent permanent staining and enable a professional to get up close to your suite to establish if it needs any extra attention.

How To Maintain Your Leather Furniture

Regular cleaning of your leather will ensure it looks its best for as long as possible, which in the long run will save you from buying a new suite sooner than expected.

And it is just as important to condition your leather as it is to clean it.

Conditioning your leather sofa will help keep the leather supple, and hydrated, preventing it from drying out and potentially causing cracks appearing in the future. 



Alternating where you sit is also a very effective way to prolong the condition of your leather and its foam, stuffing and frame – doing so will minimise wear and tear and maximise its resale value and the length of time it stays in good condition in your home.



Another tip to make sure your leather suite lasts as long as possible is to swap or change the position of your furniture in a room. This will minimise its exposure to sun damage.

Sun damage will fade the colour of your suite and dry it out further, causing the leather to crack and become brittle. If moving your room around is not an option, try and minimise sun exposure with the use of blinds or curtains – don’t forget, you will need to condition your leather furniture more frequently if your suite is exposed to the sun.

Finally, vacuuming the crevices, under the cushions and the backs of your suite as part of your weekly cleaning routine will remove dust and debris from your furniture, preventing damage and erosion of the leather.

I hope these tips will help you prolong the life of your leather furniture. If you would like any advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.



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